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Our School and the Institute of Central Asian Studies Were Presented with a Donation of Anti-epidemic Materials By Mr. Li Liang

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In April, Mr Li Liang, Chief Representative of China Huaneng in Central Asia, donated a batch of anti-epidemic materials to our school and the InstituteofCentral AsiaStudies. This is also the first donation that the School of Politics and International Relations and the Institute of Central Asian Studies have received from the community since the COVID-19 outbreak in Lanzhou in March.

Since spring, the national epidemic prevention and control situation has been serious and complex, and our campus has been strictly closed. Some caring companies and alumni donated materials to our University to help fight theepidemic.

To promote epidemic prevention and control measures, loving care is being passed on to every student and faculty member in the school. The School of Politics and International Relations and the Institute of Central Asian Studies have recently distributed more than 20,000 masks to students and teachers.

The donations from caring companies to help the school fight the epidemic not only fully reflect the social responsibility and sentiment of companies and alumni, but also fully demonstrate the social influence and effectiveness of the School of Politics and International Relations and the Institute of Central Asian Studies.

At present, all the donated materials will be reasonably distributed and precisely used to play a role in effectively preventing and controlling the epidemic on campus and ensuring the lives and health of teachers and students.