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Faculty & Research Research 正文

Establishment of the SCO Member States Preliminary Study on Conflict Mediation Mechanism (by Li liang)

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                                      Russian Studies  No.3, Jun., 2020

AbstractThe dominance of regional international organizations in regional governance is, to a great extent, reflected in their contribution to the regional conflict management. Based on the principle of “not interfering in internal affairs of member states”, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization takes a non-intervention posture on major emergencies in the region and frequent conflicts among member states. Nevertheless, after India and Pakistan became members, the complexity and intensity of conflicts among member states have increased significantly. This will seriously disrupt the normal operation of the organization, threaten China’s strategic interests both inside and outside the organization and the construction of the “Belt and Road” Initiative as well. Therefore, it is imperative for the SCO to properly manage conflicts among member states. This article sorts out practices and achievements of major regional organizations in actively mediating conflicts among member states,analyzes internal needs for the SCO’s mediation of conflicts among me mbersand its strategic benefits to China. Besides, it also summarizes relevant views within the academic circle both at home and abroad and holds that it is both necessary and urgent for the SCO to mediate conflicts. This article also puts forward five major advantages and three obstacles for the SCO to mediate conflicts. By comparison, it suggests that mediation is feasible both theoretically and institutionally. Under the premise of not interfering in internal affairs of member states, the SCO should create a conflict mediation mechanism for member states which aims to prevent conflicts and control risks, striving to keep the frequency, intensity and impact at a low level and to escort the long-term development of the SCO. China could play an active role in this regard.

Key Words】the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Conflict Mediation Mechanism, Eurasian Regional Security, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Institution Construction