


Lanzhou University


Faculty & Research Lecturer 正文

Liang Zhenpeng

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Liang Zhenpeng

School of Politics and International Relations,

Lanzhou University

Title: lecturer

Institute: Institute of Central Asian Studies

Office:Student Activity Center 610




Ph.D. in Political Science from Far Eastern Federal University in Russia,  postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Russia, East Europe and Central Asia of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Working Experience

June 2020: School of Politics and International Relations, Lanzhou University

Teaching Courses

Courses: Organization and Management, Public Relations, History and Culture of Eurasian Countries

Papers and Monographs

1. Liang Zhenpeng. The Concept of Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Russia and the Future Trend of Russian Foreign Policy[J]. Journal of Russia Studies,2024,14(02):100-116.)

2. Liang Zhenpeng. The supply and demand of regional public goods and the evolution of the cooperation order of the SCO member states[J]. National Security Forum,2023,2(04):71-85+91-92.)

3. Liang Zhenpeng, Reconstruction of multilateralism and inclusive development of the SCO // Far Eastern Studies. 2023. № 3. PP. 24–39. DOI: 10.31857/S013128120026259-5. (RSCI)

4. Liang Zhenpeng, Institutional Transformation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization after Expansion: State, Problems and Prospects // Far Eastern Studies. 2022. № 3. PP. 28–42. DOI: 10.31857/S013128120020663-0. (RSCI)

5. Liang Zhenpeng. The Chinese factor in the development of the SCO in the post-epidemic period // Far Eastern Studies. 2021. № 5. PP. 31-44. DOI: 10.31857/S013128120016205-6. (RSCI)

Research Area

Theory of Russian-American relations, Eurasian questions



Social Work