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The mobilization meeting for the 2022 National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of our college was successfully held

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At 10:00am,19 January, a mobilisation meeting for the 2022 National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme jointly organised by our Faculty and the Faculty of Dentistry was held on line. Lu Jiyuan, a postgraduate student of the Faculty of Dentistry, and Zhang Junsu, a postgraduate student of our Faculty, were invited to share their project experiences of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme. The event was hosted by Chen Yuxuan, Head of Research and Practice Department.

At the beginning of the session, the moderator, Chen Yuxuan, introduced the conditions and application process of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme and the two keynote speakers of the session. In the first part of the session, Lu Jiyuan, a postgraduate student of the Faculty of Dentistry, shared his experience in participating in the programme. He shared with the students from the aspects of "how to prepare for the competition", "common problems" and "PowerPoint production skills". He stressed the importance of picking a good pain point and telling a good story. In addition, he suggested that it is also possible to study existing products and solutions to find pain points for innovation.

Lu Jiyuan cites his own entrepreneurial experience. He said, "The original idea for Bluetooth came from my actual research on the use of toothbrushes and toothpaste by the city's citizens in my freshman year, which inspired and informed our self-developed new toothbrush." He then went on to mention that a good PowerPoint presentation can make a good impression on the judges, and that you can even seek help from a professional producer if necessary, in order to give them a glimpse of what to expect.

In the second part of the session, Zhang Junsu introduced the issue of "why should we actively participate in extra-curricular research and innovation training at undergraduate level". He pointed out that "it's always good to try, and participating in more research and innovation projects will not only give you effective exercise and training in thinking skills, but also help you understand whether you are suitable for the academic path. Then, Zhang Junsu used his own project application for the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme as an example to explain to the students the key points to note when writing the project application.

In terms of the project brief, he proposed the formula of "research content + research objectives + research methods + research significance", which is the purpose of the project proposal. Zhang Junsu stressed the need for strict control over the number of words. He also emphasised the importance of diagramming, as pictures should not be cumbersome and a simple derivation of ideas would be more favourable to teachers. In the project defence, it is important to go off-script as much as possible, bearing in mind the three key points of "simplicity, rigour and care", and to make more eye contact with the judges.

The aim of the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme is to explore a problem- and issue-based teaching model, advocate student-led innovation and entrepreneurship practice, and enable students to receive training in innovative scientific research or entrepreneurial practice at the undergraduate level. This mobilisation meeting is not only beneficial for students to have a deeper understanding of matters related to the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Programme, but also provides a platform for them to communicate with outstanding students and enhance the learning spirit of our students.