In order to further implement the action plan of Lanzhou University into the students' life, into the students' learning and into the students' minds, to understand the status of the dynamics of school graduates, and graduate program, and to practice the student-centered concept, Wang Jinguo,Dean of the School,Yao Zhihai,Secretary of the Party Committee of the School,Jia Haiyan,Deputy Secretary of the School, and Chen Xiaoding,Deputy Dean of the School have carried on a friendly visit to the graduates dorms on April 29th. Undergraduate instructor Lei Huanrui accompanied the visit.

Mr.Yao Zhihai concerned about the students’ campus life,job hunting and admission to higher education, and so on. He encouraged graduates to make the most of time, initiate consultation with tutors, and complete thesis in order to pass graduation review.
DeanWang Jinguo heard about the graduate studies in terms of some specific circumstances and motivated students to set up a broader international perspective, to learn about the national macroscopic development strategy,to make efforts to improve their foreign languages capability,to use the platforms within the country the university and the school,to combine knowledge and the national development, and got out there and go for it.
Deputy Dean Chen Xiaoding got to know every student’s specific needs and requirements to seek for higher education and targeted to give some guidance accordingly. He told the students to focus more on the graduate websites and start preparing as early as possible.

The students responded positively to this visit, and they actively participated communication with the school leaders about their studying and living and about their future plans. The students said they would make full use of their time to learn knowledge and skills, establish the spirit of perseverance, grow up in setbacks, and finish the study and develop into a person useful to the society and the times.