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"Common Sense" Workshops Was Successfully Held

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On October 11, 2020, "Common Sense" workshop was successfully held. It was presided over by Dr. Luo Yixuan, with 12 students from Grade 2018 and 2019 participated. The readings were chosen from the famous speeches by British political philosopher Isaiah Berlin, named "Two Concepts of Freedom".

At the beginning, Wang Yuxuan introduced the speech in detail and clarified its internal logic. This speech expounds the concepts of negative freedom and positive freedom based on the issue of obedience and coercion, especially how the positive concept of freedom moves towards its opposite side step by step. Berlin answered a major question, that is, in the 20th century, why did the theory of freedom turn into the authoritative theory of restricting freedom and become the defense of despotism and totalitarianism, which reminded the world to pay attention to the great destructive impact of concept, especially the concept of positive freedom.

Finally, Dr.Luo Yixuan raised some questions about this speech,for example, why Berlin thought that political and moral problems would turn into technical problems. Then he reorganized the internal logic of the speech, emphasized the metaphysical foundation behind the two concepts of freedom, and finally pointed out the defects and deficiencies of Berlin's argument.